How-To Andrew Crews How-To Andrew Crews

Home Winemaking 101 Getting Started

Home winemaking can be as easy or difficult as you want it to be. To see just how easy learning to make wine can be, check out our incredibly simple PDF guides that show you how to make both red and white wine in 12 easy to follow steps.

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How-To Andrew Crews How-To Andrew Crews

Making Wine From Frozen Grape Must

We started making wine with our Oregon and Washington fruit last week. It took about 3 days to dethaw the pails in a heated shed. After the fruit was fully dethawed and thoroughly mixed we took measurements of the brix, pH and TA.  

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Brewing Andrew Crews Brewing Andrew Crews

Beer-Wine Hybrids: Brewing Beer with Grapes

We all know it takes a lot of beer to make good wine. But historically the reverse also holds true. 2700 year old  residues found in the chalices of the tomb of King Midas contain detectable amounts of honey, barley and grape juice.

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