Harvest is complete. We begin Shipping 2016 Grapes on Oct. 31st!

All the wine grapes are picked and available to start shipping on Monday, October 31st.  There was a mixup with the lab so we didn’t get any officials samples done on the Mourvedre and Tempranillo. On the crush pad the Mourvedre was showing 22.5 brix with a refractometer and 3.4 pH from a handheld pH meter.  


The Tempranillo was showing 23.75 brix and 3.6 pH so we don’t expect either of these to require adjusting.

We’ll begin our Northwest winemaking next month and will have official numbers then, but in the mean time would appreciate feedback from anyone who receives fruit and has reliable testing equipment.

If you’ve already ordered, we’ll be reaching out you in the coming week to confirm you’d like us to ship on October 31st.

I’ll try to write a more colorful harvest report in the next week or so.  But in summation,  the fruit is all awesome and we’re completely exhausted.

Email me with questions. michael@winegrapesdirect.com


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